
Friends of A.V. Moskalenko
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Valeri Egorovich Kravchenko (VEK) — biography...

Here you can also take a closer look at creative work by VEK:
- Novels:

- Collected stories "Heavenly font" published in 2007 (in Russian):
- The beer business
- A corpse
- How kick one out of his circle
- In these white grey nights
- Transfiguration
- Incognito
- The sacred gentleman's friendship
- The last days of Goricyn
- The story of diseases
- In the den of the enemy
- Filia
- Joiner and stove-setter
- Russian Faust
- Defective genius
- "Young Guards"
- The blue dog

- The collection "Pushchiners are fond of a joke" published in 2007 (in Russian)

- The collection of poetry "The eye-witnessed of epochs" published in 2005 (in Russian)

- The narratives published in the German newspaper "New lifa" during 19901994 (in German):

- Invited papers published in different newspapers during 19902004 (in Russian)

- The articles published in the Pushchino newspaper "Biosphere" during 20052006 (in Russian)
